Friday, January 28, 2011

Pet Peeves and Conciliations

Finally!  A day of rest.  

This week of vacation was peppered with family roller-coaster rides (of the emotional kind), many appointments and meetings.  

The felines of the house >^..^< went for their medical checkups and shots.  >^..^<  I advised the animal hospital staff to keep it to the minimum and no, I can't afford to have their friggin' teeth cleaned. 

They're not even "my" cats (well, who owns a cat, anyway?).  One was adopted from the animal shelter five years ago as a birthday present for one of my own offspring.   The other was gladly received from another family's home (one with loud, overly affectionate children) and as I thought at the time, would be a good companion for cat #1. Cat #1 established her position as Alpha cat.

Cat #2 needs special, expensive food so as to prevent urinary tract problems.  Cat #1 likes eating the food too.  No harm in that for her but that means I have to purchase this food twice as often as needed.  Give the cat another canary, as my dear old Dad used to say...

One consolation through these stre$$ful visits, was the courteous, caring transportation service provided by Ottawa Pet Cab.  Thank you :-)

People should think of these things before getting a new pet (especially one for a child and the parents end up caring for it...)  As I go through our downsizing project, I ponder the costs and benefits of our furry family members.  When we choose a new location, I will likely be tempted to move "pet friendly" from the "nice to have" to "must have" checklist category. I'm soft-hearted, that way.

On the subject of pets - especially in the approaching year of the rabbit next month, please, please resist impulses to purchase a pet bunny.  They require more care than you may think. 

Thanks for reading.  Have a peaceful, caring day.

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